Cccam Script Install Admin

For Teletext install plugin tuxtxt. To run any daemon put a startstop script in a script folder. GeoSharing is one of the best Satellite iptv forum in. Find all patches for the. Intelsat 12 free cccam line 2017 ir cama 3tv. Iptv forum cccam forum find topic support your recivers or devices or decoders. New order link: i am telling you that how you can create your own cccam cline server. Full cccam server tutorial. Jan 04, 2021 Install the CAM Agent Using a Batch File or Script The information in this topic applies to Windows machines only. In order to install the agent via a batch file or script where no previous version of the agent is installed, the CAM Agent MSI file must be available.

OMG ... don't use IPK packages. Don't be lazy to learn something. Use the manual installation method to install SoftCams like OSCam or CCcam.

How to connect with PUTTY to your set-top box:

  1. Check the IP address of your set top box - find it through your WiFi-router under LAN-clients or find it somewhere in the GUI MENU of your set top box.
  2. Download the PUTTY.EXE to your Windows desktop (if you have OS Windows):
  3. Start the PUTTY, put the IP address of your set top box, choose the Telnet or SSH connection type and then open connection:
    -login = root
    -password = (empty as default - press the ENTER key)
  4. Now you are connected to the command-line (Shell) in your set-top box... continue with the instructions below...

Remove the current softcam - Oscam IPK package:

If you have an Oscam installed as the IPK installation package, you must first uninstall it - stop the service and then uninstall the entire IPK package with the following commands (using the PUTTY):

  1. top | grep cam # to display running processes containing the term 'cam', then cancel displaying with CTRL+C
  2. killall -9 <softcam_process_name>
  3. opkg list-installed | grep cam # you get a list of installed packages that contain the word 'cam'
  4. opkg remove <softcam_package_name> # remove the installed softcam package (oscam/cccam) which you want to replace

Here is a manual way to install softcam (Oscam):

-- 1 --

First, find out what chipset / CPU architecture is in your set-top box: mipsel, arm_v7, aarch64, sh4, etc. . Information about the CPU architecture can also be obtained via Shell (command line):

uname -m


[ -d /etc/dpkg ] && dpkg --print-architecture || opkg print-architecture

-- 2 --

Download the Oscam binary file which you need - depending on chipset / architecture. Of course, if it's an archive (.rar / .zip / .7z / .tar.gz), we'll unpack it as first ! Then upload the binary file via FTP connection to your set-top box, namely to this folder: /usr/binIf the name of the binary file is different than simply 'oscam' then rename it.

-- 3 --

If you do not yet, open the Telnet / SSH connection to your set-top box (using PUTTY).

-- 4 --

As first, set the execute attribute for the binary file. Then test whether the binary is working, for example by displaying information ('--help'). If it doesn't work, you probably downloaded the wrong binary for a different type of chipset from the internet.

(A note: Even in Total Commander, via the built-in FTP client, it is possible to set the file attributes to 755, instead of 'chmod a+x /path/file' in the Shell.)

  1. chmod a+x /usr/bin/oscam
  2. /usr/bin/oscam --help

-- 5 --


Download the auto-start script from the Internet, set it to run-level, enable execute attributes ...... here is the sequence of commands to the command line (Shell):

  1. wget -O /etc/init.d/softcam --no-check-certificate
  2. chmod a+x /etc/init.d/softcam
  3. update-rc.d softcam defaults 90
  4. reboot
  1. update-rc.d softcam defaults 90 # to remove: update-rc.d -f softcam remove

That's all.

A notes:

- If the 'update-rc.d' command does not work, use the following command instead of the 'update-rc.d':

ln -sf /etc/init.d/softcam /etc/rc3.d/S90softcam remove (in the future), use the following command:

rm -f /etc/rc3.d/S90softcam

(more information is described at the beginning of the 'softcam' script)

- If the softcam binary also contains the Webif module, you can verify functionality via Webif:

OSCam Webif: http://box_IP_address:8888

CCCam Webif: http://box_IP_address:16001

- The standard mode of operation of Linux (run-level) on the most Enigma editions is number 3, so we will use just the '/etc/rc3.d' directory and this one run-level mode is sufficient. Of course, the 'update-rc.d' command can handle all run-level modes. If there is another default run-level on some Enigmas, you will find it under running Enigma via Shell, with the command:


Cccam Script Install Admin Free

- Unfortunately, in some cases, the binary file also depends on different versions of the libraries and modules present in the Linux system. So ... not every binary works, even if it is designed for your chipset - CPU architecture. Then you need to find a binary that will work in your Enigma distribution with the dependencies of the required versions of libraries and modules. In some cases it is sufficient to create a symbolic link between versions of libraries, but this is not recommended (there are possible compatibility issues).

- If you use OpenATV / OpenPLi, or another Enigma based on similar Softcam support (Softcam management), then use the 'wget' command to download the 'softcam' file with the added extension to the '/etc/init.d' folder .CCcam 'or' .oscam '. In this case, however, you will not use the 'update-rc.d' tool! You can then simply activate a specific Softcam via the GUI-MENU in Enigma. Example for OpenATV: blue button on RCU -> Softcams -> use the left / right arrows to select the required softcam and activate it.

Important note for CCCam:

- If you need to use this '/etc/init.d/softcam' script for CCcam, please make changes by editing this script - in the 'USER SETUP' section at the beginning of the script, change the variables needed for CCcam (or modify as needed)

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About the Author

Quote from Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

'People need to be taught how to think, not what they think.'

Cccam Script Install Admin App
