Dr Zx Software

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  5. Dr Zx Software Download
  6. Dr Zx Software Download
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Dr Zx Software Update

We have receivedauthority from the relevant software authors to make the followingSinclair ZX81 software available for download. Much of thissoftware has been developed over the past couple of years as a directresponse to the renewed enthusiasm for the humble ZX81 expressedthrough our ZX80/ZX81 forums.

This is currentlysupplied in .p format which is suitable for use with emulators or canbe converted to get it onto a real ZX81 / TS1000 / TS1500. Thesoftware shows how far programming techniques have advanced since theearly 1980s and proves that a lot can still be squeezed into 1K. The availability of emulators do help with development, as will theZX81 MMC memory card interface!

The PlusD Floppy Disk Interface for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Computer, originally manufactured by MGT (Miles Gordon Technology) is probably one of the most widely used expansions for the ZX Spectrum and its drive format is widely implemented in Spectrum emulators. We are happy to be able to offer these floppy disk interfaces (constructed in.


Minitool partition wizard technician 11 5. Some of the softwarerequires the Hi-Resolution Graphics drivers developed in software and agraphics capable RAM pack by Matthias Swatosch - details are available fromMatthias Swatosch' site. If this is required (HRG) appearsafter thename of the software. An alternative version of this wasdeveloped by WilfRigter - if this is required (WRX) appears after the name of thesoftware (although HRG and WRX should be interchangeable).

Other softwarerequires a User Defined Graphics Card located at 3000h (marked UDG) ora UDG chr$ 128 card located at 3000h (marked UDG-128).


For completeness, weinclude the Hi-Resolution drivers here: 16KRAMversion | 32K to 64K RAM version

Dr Zx Software Free


If you want anemulator - see the links on the left hand side. Otherwise, youcan use Steven McDonald's excellent conversionprograms under Windows to play .p files through the earphone socketinto your ZX81 - detailsappearhere.

The Software:

Dr Zx Software Download

1K Hi-Res Games Pack (WRX)(released Aug 2012 by Dr Beep)
This is a pack of 10 games, all written in just 1024 bytes, and showing in beautiful hi-resolution on the Sinclair ZX81.
Originally intended to be a commercial offering, the games show some problems on some versions of the ZX81, so the author asks that a donation be made to charity.
The games included in the pack are:
1) Wiwo Dido, the case of Mazeddy's castle
2) Blocky
3) 3D Maze, return to Mazeddy's castle
4) Ghost hunt
5) 3D Random maze
6) Othello
7) 10 Pin Bowling
8) Spy vs Spy
9) Memory
10) Police patrol
Videos of the games can be seen on Youtube
Download the 1K Hi-Resolution Game Pack
Airport by Renato Degiovani(alternative Hi-Res version released Nov 2000 by kmurta) (UDG)
This is an arcade game originally published in issue 22 of the Micro Sistemas magazine.
This version has been adapted to work with a redefined charactersavailable through hi-resolution display interfaces which aremapped to 3000h in RAM.
The aimof the game is to land your plane safely - although before you do so,you need to bomb the enemy helicopters and tanks which are blocking theairfield.
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Asteroids by QuickSilva(alternative Hi-Res version released Sep 2010 by kmurta) (UDG-128)
This isthe classic Asteroids arcade game for the Sinclair ZX81, originallypublished by QuickSilva - it could work with the QuickSilva soundinterface and hi-resolution graphics interfaces to provide you with anenhanced game.
This version has been adapted to work with the ZONX-81 sound interfaceand also the more common hi-resolution display interfaces which aremapped to 3000h in RAM.
The aimof the game is to destroy the asteroids surrounding your space ship by blasting them into smaller and smaller pieces before theyhit you.
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Avalanche by Revival Studios
(re-released August 2012)

An arcade game featuring AY Sound whereby gems are falling down from the top of the screen. Match the symbol which appears on your gun, with the symbol on the appropriate gem and blast away!
As you blast the speed increases, unless you can shoot down combinations of gems!
Has built in ZXpand Joystick support.
Purchase Avalanche for the ZX81 from Revival Studios
Brainf*ck Interpreter by Matthias Swatosch
This program allows you to run thestandard Brainf*ck programs. If you have never heard of this oddinterpreter (we apologise for the name), it is a language which hasonly 8 commands -
+ - < > [ ] , .

Not the easiest of programming languages with such a small number ofcommands. The ZX81 implementation uses ( ) instead of [ ].
This version of the program is written in assembly language on the ZX81and uses 16 bit cells. You can use the ? command (dump) to get anoverview of the 22 cells around the pointer. A single-step traceand dump mode can be entered with ?? and ended with ?.
The BASICprogram also shows how you can use self-linking machine code structureson the ZX81 which make it possible to run the machine code program inthe last REM line whilst adding lines in front of it.
Download the Brainf*ckInterpreter
(For more information about the language - please refer to thedocuments at wikipedia, or this videotutorial).

Boulder Logic by Bob Smith (releasedJanuary 2011)
This is a fast scrolling game whereyou have to make your way through cornish mines in search of the onespecial diamond to be used in your lucky girlfriend's engagement ring.
Beware falling boulders as you dig to gather enough diamonds to unlockthe exit on each level (32 levels in total) and beware the variousdangers which lurk in the mines.
Written in 100% machine code - the game plays very smoothly and makesexcellent use of the ZX81's graphics to make this a game comparable toearly ZX81 classics such as 3D Monster Maze and Mazogs.
Download 16KVersion
This is an excellent arcade game - you have to move closer to the enemycannons to destroy them with your cannon before one of their cannonballs gets past you.

There are two versions included -Version 1uses the keys 5, 6, 7, 8 tomove and 0 to fire, or version 2 using keys 1, A, I, P and 0 (zero).
Download English Version
Download French Version
Cartoons by kmurta(released Apr 2005) (WRX)

Thisprogramshows a demonstration of hi-resolution cartoon characters on screen.
Download Cartoons
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Chopper Drop 3000 by Philip Lord
This is an excellent arcade game for the 16K ZX81 - you have to flyyour helicopter on a mission to destroy enemy tanks with your bombs,before they shoot you down. The bombs takes account of inertia,so if your helicopter is moving when you fire, the bomb will continuealong the same trajectory or you can of course hover for pinpointaccuracy.
Beware the unidentified flyer which will drop bombs on your head!
There are two versions included -Version 1uses the keys Q, A, O, P tomove and M to fire, or version 2 using keys 5, 6, 7, 8 and 0 (zero).
Download Version 1
Download Version 2
Clock by kmurta<(released Mar 2004)

Thisprogramshows the use of ZX81 video routines to display a mulitasking digitalclock in the top right hand corner of the screen.
The time is entered in 24 hours, HHMMSS format. Thedemonstration program shows the digital clock in the upper right corner of thescreen whilst a square traverses the screen from one side to another. Stop the programwith BREAK and note that teh clock is still being updated.
Clear the screen with CLS or LIST the BASIC program, the clock is still there and is only disabled with the commands FAST, LLIST, LPRINT, PAUSE or editing any line of the BASIC program.
Download Clock
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
The Crystal Frog by Gus
This is an excellent text only adventure, written forthe Quill Adventure Writer, which has now been ported across from theSinclair ZX Spectrum version by Kerian (UK) Limited.
It needs a Sinclair ZX81 (or emulator) equipped with 32K RAM - you needto enter the commands:
POKE 16389,192
before issuing LOAD '.
The adventure is set in a magical world and you mustseek out the priceless carved gem of the title. Eerie castles, stalkingmurderers and enraged animals will dog your tracks and the atmosphereis enhanced by effective descriptions and an attention to detail.

Download The CrystalFrog
Dan's Revenge by StevenMcDonald (HRG)
This isa good game which requires particularly good timing as you have to getpast the monsters to collect the gems in the maze. A formercommercial game, this has been made freeware

Download Dan's Revenge
Dancing Demon by kmurta
This isa game originally developed in 1979 for the Tandy TRS-80 Computer.
The Dancing Demon will respond on screen to various music files - youcan create and edit your music from inside the program. You needa sound generator compatible with ZONX-81 to hear the music.

Download Dancing Demon
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Demoby Matthias Swatosch (HRG)
This program simply shows off theHi-Resolutiongraphics possible under the new hi-res driver.
It draws some graphics on the screen and then printsit. You will see the graphic being drawn on the screen and whilstthe program runs, you can press a hotkey to switch between the graphicbank(s) and the text screen, or make a printer copy of the graphics asthey are drawn.
The 64K version will then provide an animated view of the graphics - asper the picture here.
Download 16K Version
Download 64K Version
Domin8tr1sby Bob Smith
This game is a cross between Tetrisand Dominoes, whereby instead of shapes falling down, you have numbersfalling, which you have to match up numbers in order to clear rows fromthe grid before it reaches the top.
Written in 100% machine code - the game plays very smoothly and youhave to form aline of matching numbers - the amount you have to match is given by thenumber value (for example, to clear 4s from the screen, you have tomake a line of four 4s!)
Download 16KVersion
Down by Revival Studios
(re-released October 2012)

An arcade game featuring AY Sound where your village is under attack (and burning) - your only means of escape is by heading underground.
Drop down from platform to platform, whilst picking up items to collect points.
Has built in ZXpand Joystick support.
Purchase Down for the ZX81 from Revival Studios
This is a re-write of a text adventure originally produced for theSinclair ZX Spectrum by Paul Panks.
Written to use only 8K of memory, this contains interesting puzzles andplenty of fight scenes!
Download English Version
Download French Version
Ferrengi by HOOY-Program inco-operation with Andre
Thisis a re-write of the classic arcade game, Klingons. Supplied aseithera full version for the expanded Sinclair ZX81, Timex-Sinclair TS1000and TS1500 (min 4K RAM) , a 2K version for an unexpanded Timex 1000(2Kb of RAM) and a 1K cut-down version.

Thistime Klingons were flying through space with a ship full of gold-pressed latinum forthe Empire. Sadly (luckily for you) they crashed in an asteroid field and all the gold-pressedlatinum bars are flying among the asteroids now. This is an opportunity for you.And you're Ferengi so you LOVElatinum. That's why you have to enter the asteroid field withyour spaceship and collect as many latinum bars as you can, before moreKlingons come here. Ferengi Rules of Acquisition tell you to do thateven though the asteroid field is the most dangerous place for aspaceship. You must avoid the asteroids - they will make you a deadFerengi for sure.

Controlpanel of your ship: cursor keys - '5' and '8' (left/right).

DownloadEnglish Version(ZIP file complete with the casette inlay)
Download French Version
1K Version adapted byFactor6
Fig Forth by kmurta (released Jul 2009) (UDG)
This isa version of Fig Forth, based on the original Forth compiler for theSinclair ZX81, published by Artic Computing.
This version was developed specifically for use on emulators (such asEightyOne) and needs a hi-resolution display interfaces mapped to 2000hin RAM, with the compiler being loaded to2200H.
The project reached an alpha development stage where the compiler providedbetter performance than the Artic version of Forth, but developmenthalted as the author moved on to develop MS-Forth v2.0 and later ToddyForth (also on this page).
The version here, although it is an alpha version, is quite functional, but surely full of bugs and has incomplete definitions.
Download Fig Forth
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Galaxians by Artic Computing (alternative Hi-Res version released Feb2003 by kmurta) (UDG)
This isthe classic Galaxians arcade game for the Sinclair ZX81,originallypublished by Artic Computing.
This version has been adapted to work with hi-resolution displayinterfaces which aremapped to 3000hin RAM.
The aimof the game is to shoot down the invading aliens before they destroyyou.
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
HRPictures by kmurta(released Dec 2003)

This package contains two programs which each output hi-resolutionpictures direct to the Sinclair ZX Printer (although you cannot seethem on the ZX81 screen), or to the ZX81 screen (if you have the WRXhi-resolution drivers and modified RAM pack).
They are demo programs to show the capabilities of the ZX Printer(although printing is rather slow).

Download HRPictures
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Interceptor by Siggi
This is an excellent arcade game based on the TV series from the 1970s,UFO.
Here you pilot a SHADO interceptor, on a mission to destroy incomingUFOs before they reach the earth.
There are two versions included - astandard version and a second enhanced version which supports UDGs at8K (screenshot shows the enhanced version). Currently theenhanced version will work on the EightyOne ZX81 emulator for thePC, as well as the SZ81 emulator (version 2.3.8+ with the UDG display option turned on), or, if you are lucky enough, a standard ZX81 with a 16K RAM packwhich gets its address lines from the ROM - unfortunately, this isdifferent to the changes required for the HRG module referred to above.
Download Standard Version

Download Enhanced
UDG Version
Invaders by QuickSilva(alternative Hi-Res version released Sep2010 by kmurta) (UDG-128)
This isthe classic Space Invaders arcade game for the Sinclair ZX81,originallypublished by QuickSilva - it could work with the QuickSilva soundinterface and hi-resolution graphics interfaces to provide you with anenhanced game.
This version has been adapted to work with the ZONX-81 sound interfaceand also the more common hi-resolution display interfaces which aremapped to 3000hin RAM.
The aimof the game is to shoot down the invading aliens before theyreach the earth.
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Kong by Paul Farrow - updated May 2011
For those of you who have neverplayed Kong, this is a platform game, where you have to move up aseries of platforms and ladders to save the beautiful maiden being heldby King Kong.
You are hampered by the barrels which Kong rolls down the screen at youto try and knock you off the platforms.
This is a port of the versionwritten for the Sinclair ZX80 and requires 16K of memory

DownloadSinclairZX81Kong (P and P81 version)

Visit PaulFarrow'swebsite for latest version.
Laby by bock
This isa lbyrinth game where you have to move around collecting the flashingcrystals and avoiding the deadly ghosts.
It has a
interesting feature in that every now and then, thelabyrinth is plunged into darkness - there is a lamp which you cancollect to light up your surrounding area.
Laby v2 has now been released, which adds the ability to shoot ghostswith darts, immobolising them for a short while. It also now has9 levels.
Not as easy as it looks - written in C. 16K RAM required.

Download Laby v2
Landhere by MatthiasSwatosch (HRG)
This isa simple game which asks you to land a spaceship on top of a building.
It shows how to draw polygons in
Hi-resgraphics using the HRG drivers.

Download Landhere
Lightsout by Andy Rea
This isa puzzle game, where you are presented with a grid of lights. Tocomplete the game, you have to turn all of the lights off - the onlyproblem is that switching some lights off, turns others on, so you haveto work out the best way to do this in the time allotted.
MathZX by Andre

Thisis an educational program based around mathematics, which tests your skills at addition and multiplications.

Thiscomes in English and French language versions.

Download English Version
Download French Version

Mayhem by Revival Studios
(re-released August 2012)

An arcade game featuring AY Sound whereby you play the role of Clive Junior, Inventor Extraordinaire.
His latest invention has exploded leaving parts flying across the room - you have to pick up the parts whilst avoiding the debris.
Has built in ZXpand Joystick support.
Purchase Mayhem for the ZX81 from Revival Studios
MazezaM by Malcohol
This isa simple game which is a good achievement, running on the basic 1KSinclair ZX81.
The game involves you manouevering through a series of mazes, each ofwhich has internal walls which can be moved left and right to enableyou to get past.
Not as easy as it looks and very addictive

Download MazezaM
MicroSistemas (MS) Forth c2.0 by kmurta(released Jan 2010) (UDG)
This is a version of Forth which was based on a minimalist version ofForth first published in the Micro Sistemas magazine issue no. 37.
This was a small and agile forth, but with a strange vocabulary with words such as TOKEN, COMPILER, MODE, LBP,0SET,1SET,OUTIN,FTOKEN,QUESTION, amongst others, not commonly found in standard forths. After disassembling the original compiler, the author discovered the function of each of these words, for example, he found that OUTIN was equivalent to the word INTERPRET, LBP has the same function as > IN, TOKEN was equivalent to RD.
MS Forth v2.0 was then born - based on thisoriginal code, but with the more common words used, together withsyntax from Fig Forth. Where using the more common words would increase the code size (such aschanging LBP to >IN), they were left as LBP, in order toensure the code was kept as small as possible.
The author also adopted the ASCII code for characters and assumed the availability of a character board at 3000h like in the TK85 to generate the ASCII character set. The keyboard routines have all been rewritten and the keyboard was remapped.
A nice feature that was copied to MS Forth v2.0 was the ability to import forth programs directly from text files, when using the EightyOne emulator. Simply load the forth text file into EO RAM through the menu File->Load Memory Block at the address 32768. Then just compile it with 32768 LOAD.
Although it reached a development stage much more advanced than the ZX81 Fig Forth, development of MS Forth V2.0 was also halted in order to bring a new forth more advanced and powerful, ZX81 Toody Forth, which appears below.

Download MS Forth v2.0
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Minefield by Andy Rea
This is a puzzle game / arcade game, where you have to make your way across amine field.
As you progress, you leave a trail of dots behind to show where it issafe to walk. A mine detector warns you how many mines areadjacent to where you are stood at all times.
There are several levels of difficulty to tax your mind.
Miner Man by Bob Smith (2011)
This is similar to Boulder Logic in some ways, and has been based on an XBOX 360 game where you have to collect the gems from 38 different levels, whilst avoiding the boulders and traps. Each boulder has a set path it will move along when the soil is removed from around the boulder, so it may trap you, or cut off your path!
Written in 100% machine code - the game plays very smoothly and makesexcellent use of the ZX81's graphics to make this a game comparable toearly ZX81 classics such as 3D Monster Maze and Mazogs.
The program will also automatically detect the presence of a joystick connected to the ZXpand (or ZXpand-AY interface)so that you can play with a joystick easily.

Download 16K Version
Music Interpreter by kmurta(released Apr 2005)

Thisprogram adds a musical macro language to the Sinclair ZX81, which issimilar to that used in the 'PLAY' command on MSX and TRS Colorcomputers.
It implements all subcommands required to perform music in a wide range of scales, with the sound being generated by the VSYNC signal, without the need for additional hardware.
The package includes two demo programs, including one which plays someBeatles songs.

Download Music Interpreter
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Nanako in Classic Japanese Monster Castle'81 by Mojon Twins (released May 2011)
This is a well respected classicarcade game, which has been released for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum,Amstrad CPC and the Commodore 64. This has now been ported to theSinclair ZX81 by the Mojon Twins.
In the game, you have to find your way out of the Monster Castle, bypicking up boxes and moving them as platforms from which you can jumpto get over monsters, or past obstacles, or higher up into the castle.
This requires 16K of memory and thefiles include the source code, which has been written in C using theirown library for z88dk which allows games to be written in textmode. The library itself is coded in a mixture of C andassembly and currently supports 4x4 character sprites to be printed orgrabbed from a 32x48 characters (two screens) buffer which can beeasily scrolled, and comes complete with a keyboard reading routinewhich detects OPQA and M or SPACE (plus S, for this game)
Also supports a ZXpand Joystick

DownloadNanakoinClassic Japanese Monster Castle '81

Visit the MojonTwinswebsite for more details.
Pacman by Paul Farrow - updated May 2011
For those of you who have neverplayed Pacman, this is a series of mazes where you have to move yourpacman and eat all of the food on the screen (represented by dots).
You are chased by four ghosts, but if you eat one of the four items ofsuper food (the O towards the four corners of the screen, then you canmunch the ghosts!).
This is a port of the version written for the Sinclair ZX80and requires 16K of memory

(P and P81 version)

Visit PaulFarrow'swebsite for latest version.
Panic HR by unknown(updated Hi-Res version released Aug 2010by kmurta) (UDG-128)
Originallypublished in MicroHobby magazine issue 23(September 1985).

This is animplementation of the classic game, Panic, where you have to dig holesfor the mutant workers in the underground mine to fall into, and thenhit them over and over until they fall and die. Of course, theycan escape from the holes you dig, if you do not get there quicklyenough.
Originally published ina magazine in September 1985, this version has been adapted to usecharacter re-definition to show improved characters.
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Pink Panther by kmurta(released Jun 2010)

This is an experimental program which converts midi files to a formatsuitable for playing on a sound device complete with an AY-PSG 3-891*chip (such as the ZONX-81 interface).
The Pink Panther is just the theme shown on screen.

Download Pink Panther
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
PipePanic by Thunor
This isan addictive program in 8K - you have to place the various pieces ofpipe into the grid to connect the inflow with the outflow before thetimer runs out and the sewerage is sent through the pipes.
Can you close off all of the leaking joints, or will you be up to yourknees in raw sewerage?

Download PipePanic(includes source code)
Pipes by Matthias Swatosch(HRG)
This is a simple program which uses polygons drawn in Hi-res graphics using the HRG drivers, to produce a series of 3D pipes, similar to the Windowsscreen saver.

Download Pipes
Poker HR by unknown(updated Hi-Res version released Sep 2010by kmurta) (UDG)
Originally published in Micro Sistemas Magazine issue 54 (March 1986).
This is aversion of Poker to play on the Sinclair ZX81. Originallypublished in a magazine in March 1986, this version has been adapted touse character re-definition to show improved characters.
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
QFrogger by thewiz
Shows just what can be achieved in only 1K RAM.

This is a take on the classic Frogger arcade game featuring cars,caravans and crocodiles.
Move your frog, represented by an X, passed a busy road and then ariver, filled with turtles and logs,to get home. After getting fivehome, you are moved to another part of the river, which is slightlyfaster.
Keys are Q - T for up. A - G for down, O for right and P for right.
Written to see what could be done in 1K and limiting the display to aquarter of the normal screen size (thats were the Q comes from).Developed using WLA-DX.

Download QFrogger
The Quill Adventure Writerby Gus
Surprisingly, someone has managed to port the Quill Adventure writerover to the 16K Sinclair ZX81.

The Quill is a well known program for writing text only adventures anda wealth of adventures have been written for use with thisinterpreter. At the moment, this is just the interpreter side -it is anticipated that the Quill editor will be released in the nearfuture. The interpreter and database are merged together into one.p file for loading - there is a magic word 'LOLO' to indicate wherethe database starts within the .p file, and another word 'LULU' to markthe end of the database.
The end of each message is marked by 0xFF.

Download The Quill
Reverse by Andre

Thisis a fairly easy game to understand - you are presented with a series of digits which you must re-order by selecting2 or more digits from the left hand side of the grid. The game comes with both 1K and 16K versions.

Thiscomes in English and French language versions.

Download English Version
Download French Version

Rock Crush by StevenMcDonald (HRG)
This isa good game which is a clone of Boulderdash in hi-res graphics for thehumble Sinclair ZX81. Collect gems by mining through the earth toreach them, but beware that the boulders will fall on you if you arenot quick enough to get out of their way. A former commercialgame, this has been made freeware

Download Rock Crush
Scramble by QuickSilva(alternative Hi-Res version released Sep2010 by kmurta) (UDG-128)
This isthe classic Scramble arcade game for the Sinclair ZX81, originallypublished by QuickSilva - it could work with the QuickSilva soundinterface and hi-resolution graphics interfaces to provide you with anenhanced game.
This version has been adapted to work with the ZONX-81 sound interfaceand also the more common hi-resolution display interfaces which aremapped to
3000hin RAM.
The aimof the game is to shoot down the invading aliens who areattempting to abduct humans from the planet below.
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software
Sinus by Matthias Swatosch(HRG)
This isa simple demo which shows how to produce asin curve in Hi-resgraphics using the HRG drivers.
Download Sinus
Toddy Forth by kmurta(released Jan 2011) (UDG)

This is an implementation of Forth for the Sinclair ZX81 microcomputer, which was developed from the code for MS Forth (see above),adopting many of the concepts of Camel Forth by Bradford J. Rodriguez.This may be the only version of Forth for the ZX81 which uses Direct Threaded Code (DTC), which makes it considerably fasterthan other existing implementations.
If you are developing on an emulator, then you can use any text editoryou like on your PC and then compile it using the emulator - forexample, on EightyOne, load the forth text file into EO RAM through the menu File->Load Memory Block at the address 32768. Then just copile it with 32768 LOAD.
The basic core occupies a little over 4K and includes the most common words and can be easily extended as required. Includes several sample programs and a library file with dozens of definitions of words not included in the basic core. Two versions are included in the attached file - tforth10-std.p is forthe original Sinclair ZX81, tforth10.p
was developed for usewith the TK-85 and has integral ZONX-81 support and requires a hi-resolution display interface which ismapped to 300h in RAM.
Also included in the Toddy Forth package are various example programsand games written in forth:
3DMAZE (UDG-128) - requires zonx81 compatible sound board
Acemines (UDG) - requires zonx81 compatible sound board
Breakout (UDG) - requires zonx81 compatible sound board
Breakout-std - requires zonx81 compatible sound board
Millipede (UDG) - requires zonx81 compatible sound board
Rotsom - creates sound on a standard Sinclair ZX81 using sync pulses,similar to Music Interpreter.
Sokoban (UDG) - requires zonx81 compatible sound board
Sudoku (UDG) - requires zonx81 compatible sound board

Download Toddy Forth Package
Visit kmurta's webpage forSinclair ZX81 Software

Treasure Hunter ('EmBusca dos Tesouros') by Tadeu Curinga da Silva
This isa Brazilian arcade game which was originally released in 1986 andplaces you in the role of a Treasure Hunter who must overcome variousobstacles and enemies to find the treasure.
There are 313 different screens and 15 different enemies and the authorgave his permission in 2006 to this game being made freely availableover the internet.
More details about the background of the game and the instructions (inPortuguese) appear at Muriloq'swebsite
Supports the ZXpand Joystick
Download Treasure Hunter
Tron Trails by Andy Rea
This isa game based on the cult film Tron, whereby you have to ride around onyour Light Cycle leaving a trail of light behind you.
The first player that crashes into the light trail is killed. Canyou trap the computer before it traps you?
UHR by Matthias Swatosch(HRG)
This isa program which draws an analogue clock on the screen in Hi-resgraphics using the HRG drivers. It automatically adjusts for a UKSinclair ZX81 running at 50Hz, or an American Timex-Sinclair 1000running at 60Hz.
When running the program on an emulator, you will need to adjust thevariable fps (frames per second) to match your picture frequencymanually.

UPPERlowerfont by MatthiasSwatosch(HRG)
This isa program which utilises the UDG (user defined graphics) capability inthe HRG package (v2.7 minimum) to create a character set which has bothupper and lower case characters, as well as some extra characters.

UWOL, Quest for Money '81 by Mojon Twins (released March 2012)
This is another excellent game bythe Mojon Twins.
In the game, you have to explore Storm Palace, collecting as many gold coins as you can muster (a minimum of 150),whilst working your way back to the surface from the top of a pyramid.
You are hindered by 3 enemies who can summon Fanty which will chase you relentlessly all accross the screen.
If you touch a baddie you’ll lose your clothes. Look for a T Shirt nearby, otherwise you’ll die on the next touch.
This requires 16K of memory.
Use O,P to move left or right, Q or to jump and A to move down to the next room when you are standing on top of one of the arrows at the bottom of the room.
Also supports a ZXpand Joystick

DownloadUWOL, Quest for Money '81

Visit the MojonTwinswebsite for more details.
Virus by Bob Smith
This is a fast scrolling game whereyou act as a security guard at a laboratory where the viruses havegotten out of control. Your task is to move around the 8different levels, collecting ammo and destroying all of the mutatedviruses on each level before moving to the next.
Written in 100% machine code - the game plays very smoothly and makesexcellent use of the ZX81's graphics to make this a game comparable toearly ZX81 classics such as 3D Monster Maze and Mazogs.
Download 16K Version
ZX4PAINT by Dominique Contant(HRG)

This is a is a fully featured drawing package for the Sinclair ZX81,written in Forth and is Dominique's first ZX81 Forth program.
Probably the best drawing package we have seen (and sadly missing inthe early 1980s).
-Draw Line, Circle, Ellipse and Rectangle with rubber band drawing.
-Cut / Copy and Paste part of the Screen
-Area FILL of an enclosed shape.
-Magnify part of the screen for more detailed work.
-UNDO previous operations in case you make an error.
Commands :
- Colour key ‘0’ ( white) – Key ‘1’ (Black) – Key ‘T’ (Transparent)
- Shift 5 6 7 8 for Up LeftRight Down.
- Lines : Press ‘L’ – Up LeftRight Down – Press ‘L’(again) for end of line.
- Rectangle : Press ‘R’ – UpLeft Right Down – Key ‘R’(again) to complete.
- Circle : Press ‘C’ – UpLeft Right Down – Press ‘C’(again) to complete.
- Ellipse : Press ‘E’ – UpLeft Right Down – Press ‘E’(again) to complete.
- Fill : Move the cursor into a closed shape - press F
- Paste : Press ‘P’ – Up LeftRight Down - (Copy) Press ‘Shift C’- Move the shape - Press ‘Shift V’ or (Cut) Press ‘Shift X’ - Movethe shape - Press ‘Shift V’
- Magnifying Glass : Press ‘G’- Press ‘G’ again to returnto normal
- CLS : Press ‘K’
- Undo : Undo all the above command – Press‘U’
- Quit – Press ‘Q’. (returnto the PROMPT of FORTH )
- In order to launch it again : write: ZX4PAINT<NewLine>

Download ZX4PAINT
ZXAKURO by Andre
This is a is a cross-puzzle game using digits instead of words. Thereis only one possible answer for each grid. Digits 1 to 9 can be usedonly once in each continuous row or column. This fantastic brain gamehas large grids and digits on a neat and clear screen. The mostnoticeable feature is the FAULT INDICATOR which is unique to theZX81-TS1000 version. When ending a game, the cursor pinpoints thefaulty square.
-Instructions accessible at any time during the game.
-Any grids are accessible by code. (This allows you to re-start whereyou had previously stopped).
-Large and well defined play grid and digits.
-Colorful and clear screen.
-25 grids of different shapes.-Fault indicator when ending a game. (Thecursor will position itself in the faulty square).
Download English Version
Download French Version

The vLA82 is a modern plugin replacement for the Spectrum 48K ULA (type 6C001E-7 or earlier). It is one of several ULA replacements I have made for members of the Sinclair computer family including the vLA81 for the ZX81, the vLA128 for the Spectrum 128K (Toastrack) and +2 (Grey case) and the vLA1 for the Sinclair ZX Interface 1.

As they simply don’t make Spectrum ULAs anymore, then unfortunately if the ULA has failed, then options for repair are diminishing. The vLA82 provides a simple way to keep these icons of 80’s computing going.

Dr Zx Software Downloads

vLA82 Features include:

  • Plugin ULA replacement. In most cases the existing socket will be OK but there are some which only support very small pins (please see the install guide for more information). A suitable turned pin socket is available as an option to purchase if needed.
  • A low profile and 40 pin DIL footprint means that the vLA82 is designed to fit in a ‘rubber key’ ZX Spectrum case without further modifications.
  • Provides the same functionality as the 6C001-7 Sinclair ULA.
  • Passes standard ULA benchmark tests (floatspy, Brendan’s Diagnostic ROM etc.).
  • Tested with an extensive suite of ZX Spectrum software.
  • Compatible with lower ram replacement modules.
  • Ideal for installing in an aftermarket Spectrum PCB without needing an original ULA.
  • Low power consumption.

Dr Zx Software Download

You can download the install guide here.

Dr Zx Software Download

Whether you want to just get a faulty Spectrum back up and running, or need a ULA replacement for a new clone, then the vLA82 is exactly what you need. Bluestacks 1 descargar uptodown.