Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical


  1. Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Expressions
  2. Secant Method Calculator
  3. Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Formula
  4. Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Analysis
In the following table, each line/entry contains the program file name and a brief description.

Note also that the secant method can be considered an approximation of the Newton method xn+1 = xnāˆ’ f(xn) f0(xn) by using the approximation f0(xn) ā‰ˆ f(xn. Secant Method Vba Code. ROOTS OF A REAL FUNCTION IN FORTRAN 90 ROOTS OF A REAL FUNCTION IN FORTRAN 90 Choose a source program (.f90) by clicking the appropriate button. Fortran Numerical Analysis Programs. = 3 x + sin x āˆ’ e x using Secant method in the interval. Write a Fortran program to find first derivation of the.: Orthogonal polynomials generator. The most basic problem in Numerical Analysis (methods) is the root-finding problem. For a given function f (x), the process of finding the root involves. Fortran 90 has many new features that make it a modern and robust language for numerical programming. In addition to providing many new language con-structs, Fortran 90 contains Fortran 77 as a subset (except for four small in-consistencies). Consequently, all Fortran 77 programs can be compiled and should produce identical results.

Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Expressions

Click on the program name to display the source code, which can be downloaded. '

Secant Method Calculator

Chapter 1: Mathematical Preliminaries and Floating-Point Representation
first.fFirst programming experiment
pi.fSimple code to illustrate double precision
xsinx.fExample of programming f(x) = x - sinx carefully
Chapter 2: Linear Systems
ngauss.fNaive Gaussian elimination to solve linear systems
gauss.fGaussian elimination with scaled partial pivoting
tri_penta.fSolves tridiagonal systems
Chapter 3: Locating Roots of Equations
bisect1.fBisection method (versin 1)
bisect2.fBisection method (version 2)
newton.fSample Newton method
` secant.fSecant method
Chapter 4: Interpolation and Numerical Differentiation
coef.fNewton interpolation polynomial at equidistant pts
deriv.fDerivative by center differences/Richardson extrapolation
Chapter 5: Numerical Integration
sums.fUpper/lower sums experiment for an integral
trapezoid.fTrapezoid rule experiment for an integral
romberg.fRomberg arrays for three separate functions
rec_simpson.fAdaptive scheme for Simpson's rule
Chapter 6: Spline Functions
spline1.fInterpolates table using a first-degree spline function
spline3.fNatural cubic spline function at equidistant points
bspline2.fInterpolates table using a quadratic B-spline function
schoenberg.fInterpolates table using Schoenberg's process
Chapter 7: Initial Values Problems
euler.fEuler's method for solving an ODE
taylor.fTaylor series method (order 4) for solving an ODE
rk4.fRunge-Kutta method (order 4) for solving an IVP
rk45.fRunge-Kutta-Fehlberg method for solving an IVP
rk45ad.fAdaptive Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method
taylorsys.fTaylor series method (order 4) for systems of ODEs
rk4sys.fRunge-Kutta method (order 4) for systems of ODEs
amrk.fAdams-Moulton method for systems of ODEs
amrkad.fAdaptive Adams-Moulton method for systems of ODEs
Chapter 8: More on Systems of Linear Equations
Chapter 9: Least Squares Methods
Chapter 10: Monte Carlo Methods and Simulation
test_random.fExample to compute, store, and print random numbers
coarse_check.fCoarse check on the random-number generator
double_integral.fVolume of a complicated 3D region by Monte Carlo
volume_region.fNumerical value of integral over a 2D disk by Monte Carlo
cone.fIce cream cone example
loaded_die.fLoaded die problem simulation
birthday.fBirthday problem simulation
needle.fBuffon's needle problem simulation
two_die.fTwo dice problem simulation
shielding.fNeutron shielding problem simulation
Chapter 11: Boundary Value Problems
bvp1.fBoundary value problem solved by discretization technique
bvp2.fBoundary value problem solved by shooting method
Chapter 13: Partial Differential Equations
parabolic1.fParabolic partial differential equation problem
parabolic2.fParabolic PDE problem solved by Crank-Nicolson method
hyperbolic.fHyperbolic PDE problem solved by discretization
seidel.fElliptic PDE solved by discretization/ Gauss-Seidel method
Chapter 13: Minimization of Functions
Chapter 14: Linear Programming Problems

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Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Formula


Fortran Program For Secant Method Numerical Analysis

Last updated: 15 July 2012